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Focus op genealogie van mijn Eur-Aziatische takken en daarmee samenhangende geschiedenis.
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10 June 2021
Operational management of the squadrons and airports stationed on Sumatra was done by LuCoSu 'Airforce Command Sumatra'. Commanders: major Hans Maurenbrecher (46-49), followed by major P.E.J. Janssens. Figure 1. Sumatra LuCoSu included the squadrons: ...
09 June 2021
In the past few years i’ve collected known names and relevant information. With help of others of course [1]. Using pivot, the spreadsheet holding the data was filtered and exported into a .csv file and imported into Datawrapper [2] to make a searchable...
05 June 2021
First version written on 2020-06-13 This document is an extension of the article 'portraits of crew of 122(NEI)Squadron and 17 VARWA'. Among the 40 portraits found by S. Gerardu of 122 Squadron, 3 of them turned out to be 17 VARWA crew. Most likely based ...
02 June 2021
An important research goal into 122(NEI)Squadron is finding names and photos of the squadrons’s crew. The general history of this Dutch P-51 Mustang fighter squadron is not easy to find. Compiling a list of names of it’s crew is a challenge. ...
28 January 2021
Het rendement op de investering van de zonnepanelen was in 2020 uitstekend. Een halvering van zowel de energiekosten als het maandbedrag. En 1218 kg minder CO2 uitstoot. Dat geeft reden tot tevredenheid. Voor nu. De installatie is ...
30 December 2020
Oma Bastiaans vlucht in Bandoeng noodgedwongen drie keer met haar kinderen en vriendin naar een ander onderkomen. Ontsnappen eind 1945 ternauwernood de Bersiap in een B-25 RAPWI vlucht naar Australië[1]. Komen 10 maanden later per boot terug in Batavia, ver...
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